Sunday, January 30, 2011

New Year, New plans

It's been a while since I've written but I've got a lot to say.  First off, Jeremy and I have been talking for the last year about buying our own truck and starting our own business.  In the middle of December we got some good news.  After months of looking at trucks and trying to figure out how to get a truck financed our boss decided he wanted to sell his truck, and we were on the top of his list.  On the 1st of January we became the proud owners of our very own truck.  A 2003 Kenworth W900 and a flatbed trailer.  But after our good news, we got some bad news.  We had a really hard time trying to find a job.  Jeremy is an excellent driver, but our registration was up on the truck and we were stuck in Dallas, Tx.  We filled out application, after application but no luck.  Our problem was that a year ago Jeremy failed a piss test and so far we have been able to hide that fact from smaller companies but the big companies always seem to find it.  Now that we needed new registration and didn't have our own authority we needed a company to pay for it.  The bigger companies would pay for our plates and registration, but wouldn't hire Jeremy; and the smaller companies would hire Jeremy but wouldn't pay for our registration.  So, pretty much we were fucked.  After being stranded in Dallas for a week, we decided to spend the last of our money to pay for our fuel to get home and figure out a solution.  With no insurance on the truck, plates that were expired, and the last of our money and fuel we fled home.  We made it but barely and nearly broke.  After trying again by filling out applications, and talking to companies; even trying to get a loan from family and friends to get our own authority and registration, Jeremy came up with our solution.  We decided to hire a driver and put them in our truck.  The problem wasn't the truck but the driver.  Jeremy is a great driver and hasn't had any issues but the messed situation a year ago made this an almost impossible situation.  So, we posted some want ads for a driver and had a lot of people interested and sent out a bunch of applications but for whatever reason only had one come back.  Scott was our best likely candidate (mostly cause he's the only one who sent back an application).   We sent his app and information to GreatWide and waited for a response.  After 3 weeks of being unemployed, broke, stressed and frustrated our driver was hired by GreatWide and then we were just waiting for them to send us our registration, plates, and stickers for the truck.  As of 3 days ago Scott was in the truck moving and starting to get paid.  We also in the process of all of this sold our trailer, since we didn't need the flatbed.  We posted an ad again ( we are getting really good at placing online ads), and sold our trailer for $10,000 and got to keep 1000 of that, the rest went to our truck payment, and for the first time in more than a month we had money.  Our phones had been turned off, and our insurance had been cancelled, now we were starting to catch up, finally.  I was getting scared, worried, frustrated, and it was hard, but we worked out way through it and came out on top.  Thank God!

Jeremy and I have been wanting to take a real vacation together, just us, but haven't had the time or money.  With owning our own truck we are now able to pursue things like this we have decided to plan a vacation.  We look into cruises, resorts, and many different places but we have decided on Sandals, Monterey Bay in Jamaica.  An all inclusive, luxury resort in Jamaica with beautiful white sand private beaches, drinks included, meals included, water sports and land sports, snorkeling, diving, and beautiful sunrises and sunsets all included.  We are getting a beach walk-out honeymoon suite, and I could not be anymore excited than right now.  We are going to get to go zip-lining, swim with dolphins for a whole day, and see things we never have seen before all with each other.  I'm so excited, we will be saving for the next year and will be going over our 2nd year anniversary next January.  It's so great because our first Valentines Day we spent apart, our first anniversary we were broke and on the road trying to get home on 0 money, and our 2nd Valentines Day we may not be able to do anything because I'm working on getting us caught up on bills and debts.  I hate that we  have not been able to spend those special days that are supposed to celebrate our love together or have spent it broke and not even got to go out for dinner or anything special.  But next year we are gonna be able to spend it in a beautiful place with each other and I'll be his arms.  I love Jeremy more than anything else on this earth and he make me happier than anyone ever could, and more than I ever thought I deserved.  He is so good to me.  We are also going to be able to take Katelynn to Disneyland sometime this spring for a couple days.  I love spending time with that beautiful little girl.  I also love watching Jeremy and Katelynn together, it is so precious and beautiful.  He is a great dad and tries so hard to be a the best dad as possible.

Because of our upcoming vacations, I have decided that I can no longer look like this anymore.  I have made it my goal to lose 80 to 100 lbs in the next year.  That breaks down into about 20-25 lbs every 3 months during this year which I believe is actually very doable.  I have been doing Akins for the last month and it is a lot harder than you would think.  This week I have failed trying to keep to my diet and it has been really hard but on the 1st I am going back on it and going to stay on it.  I want it to do this for me and my health.  As much as I don't always like the way I look, and the fact that I have gained 30 lbs in the last 4 months while living on the truck and 20 more lbs on top that in the last year.  It's awful and I hate feeling like I can't do things because of my weight.  Also on our vacation next year there are weight restrictions on certain activities that I want to do.  I don't mind be overweight, or chubby, or even a bigger girl; I don't have to be "skinny" but I want to be healthier and I want to be at a comfortable weight, that makes me feel better in my own skin, and  more confident in how I look and feel.  So, for the next year I will keep you informed on my successes and my failures, and hopefully my triumphs in the end.  This will be one of my biggest challenges and hardest trials but I am so focused and so ready to do this for good, and make myself a healthier and better person and grow from this experience.

Until next time
