Saturday, May 21, 2011

Lotsa new stuff

Do you ever feel like life is a total roller coaster.  So many things in life plateau, but never life itself.  I always feel like there is stuff going up and stuff going down all at the same time.  haha  

Life is crazy here at home.  Jeremy and I have been living with Grandma and Grandpa since January.  It has been a major change in our life and seriously challenging.  But for the first time in a long time I feel on top of all the challenges coming our way.  

Jeremy and I bought our first ever truck.  This has been one of Jeremy's dreams for a long time (with the idea ad long-term goal that we would buy a few trucks and have a lucrative business running after a couple years) and we decided that it was damn time that he went after it.  So in the beginning of the year we bought our first truck.  A beautiful blue 2003 Kenworth W900, and she was all ours.  heehee  Then naively went straight into a huge hole.  We didn't quite know what we were doing and had a bunch of unknown obstacles that got in our way and looked to take away our dream before we were up and running.  After finding out for a few reasons that as of right now the big companies that would take owner/operators wouldn't hire Jeremy because of a bad UA on his past record, we decided that we would hire us a driver.  NO NO NO, it was a bad idea.  A driver who we originally liked and thought this would be a great first driver turned out to be a complete moron after only just a couple weeks, he didn't know what the fuck he was doing and pissed us off a great deal.  errrrrr  He costs us a lot of money, made us a lose a lot of money and pretty much ripped us off and left the truck.  Douchebag!!!!  (still a bit frustrated with him, errrrr)  Anywho, after this moron left we spent the next month looking for another driver.  Meanwhile, while we were looking we were digging ourselves a beautiful little hole of debt that seemed to be enveloping our lives.  Every time it seemed to be one thing catching up or getting better, something else would break, get lost, need more money, and it was frustrating as hell.  We finally agreed on a new driver who was cleared and approved by the company we were leasing to.  We used the last of our money that month in gas to meet him in SLC and take him to the truck and meet him in person, yada yada yada.  Anyway, he never showed, never answered his phone, a text, nothing.  Two days later we heard from him and by then, ya right!  So for a few days there were some tears, some arguing, some seeing our dreams being crushed before we could really start to live them or get them off the ground.  It was hard to face the idea that we would have to give up already.  Then by a miracle in one week Jeremy got 3 jobs!!!  All driving our own truck.  Then we just had to decide which it was gonna be.  Jeremy chose Hendrickson Trucking out of California and went over the road and began living his dream.  He was making his own money, being his own boss, in his own truck.  It has been wonderful.  Not saying we still haven't hit road bumps and pot holes but still life is looking up.

Jeremy also a beautiful, wonderful, and talented daughter who is 12, named Katelynn.  She is an amazing girl with more potential than she even knows.  Jeremy has loved his little girl since the day she was born.  He goes on and on about her somedays and just beams when he does.  A very proud papa somedays.  Although he has always been a part of her life and has always had a hand in helping raise her, lately he has not.  When Jer split from his ex in the winter of 09, she took Katelynn to California with her.  It has not been easy seeing her and living so far away.  He misses more than anything in the world.  It is so hard for him all the time to have his baby girl so far away and be missing out on her growing up.  And let me tell ya she is growing up so fast.  She is quickly changing from a little girl to a young woman and it seems like it is happening over night.  Well, Jeremy and I have decided that it has been long enough, little visits here and there are not enough.  We are going to move to California to be closer to her.  It is important that he be a part of her life again, and part-time is just not good enough.  Within the next 6 to 9 months we are moving out there to be near her.  We are so happy to be near such a beautiful ray of sunshine.  Although we are sad to be leaving Utah, and Cache Valley in particular and the people we love here; she is so much more important.  Those of you parents out there I'm sure understand completely.

As many of you know I have worked for Pizza Hut for nearly 3 years and I have love it dearly (whatever), but as of a few days ago I have given my notice.  I once again am leaving the Hut.  I'm not all that sad.  There are a few people I will miss, but for the most part I'm glad to be leaving.  I am going over the road with Jeremy again.  Not as exciting as the first time since we will be sticking to the west coast for the most part but still being apart for us is super hard and we just can't do it any longer.  We would rather be cramped in a small space for weeks on end and with each other (and of course our lovely and beautiful Brynndle) than apart for weeks at a time missing one another miserably.  So once again, after Memorial Day, and Sie's Graduation, we will be embarking on a new adventure. YAY

That is all I have to say tonight.  Hope you feel a little caught up with the lame life I live.  And as lame as it is to you, that is how much I love it.  Thanks for catching up with me.  Ciao

Cassie The Most Awesomest