Sunday, December 4, 2011

23 Birthday wishes....

So, I feel like this is going to be the last year that I can get really excited about my birthday and act like a child and be absolutely immature about my birthday and so, I'm going to be just that.  I think that after this year I should really treat my birthday like everyone else treats their birthdays and that is you dread the age and get over it.  So, I'm going to make 23 wishes (of which I doubt highly of getting any but it makes things fun!) and next year I'll grow up!  Promise!

My 23 Wishes (in no particular order except for the first one, I want that one the most!)

1. Ryan Gosling!!
2. Surprises; a million and one of them!
3. An amazing cake
4. Balloons and streamer decorating my room
5. Flowers (preferably lilies or calla lilies)
6. To have a song sung to me other than the normal Happy Birthday that everyone sings badly (at least in my family)
7. Kiss from a cute guy ;)
8. Cute notes and posts from friends about how wonderful I am
9. A birthday party I don't know anything about
10. Not to be reminded I share my birthday with a ton of other people I know
11. To be told I look young for my age
12. Pretty jewelry
13. A new outfit that makes my butt look great hehe
14. Gifts that are not wrapped in christmas wrapping paper
15. NO SNOW!!!
16. Not to be woken up at some crazy hour to have some surprise before the sun comes up
17. A manicure!
18. A new hair style (I'm so over the one I have now)
19. Good news (about anything that has to do with me)
20. To spend the day with the family and friends I love so much
21. To have nothing happen that would spoil my day!
22. The pair of shoes I want from Maurices (I would also like to wear them to church!)
23. To have an unforgettable day that was all about me!

Now, all if this is selfish and childish and that is just fine with me.  My birthday is my favorite "holiday" and "I want, what I want, when I want it" - Terri Jean Baker.  I have no expectations that any of this will happen but wouldn't it be great! lol  So, that's all!  6 Days!!! (don't judge for this post please!)