Thursday, January 5, 2012

A new year

Do you ever catch yourself wondering what life might be like?  Recently I've been thinking what I would be doing right now if I hadn't made some decisions this year.  I wonder if I would have been happy or if I would have regretted it down the road.  My life makes sense but it doesn't mean I'm not sad or that I don't miss him.  I think about Jeremy often.  I wonder what he is doing or if he ever thinks about me.  I wonder if he says bad things to his "wifey " about me.  I wonder if he ever thinks what our lives would be like now if we were still together.  It doesn't really matter I guess.  Life is what it is.  I'm happy now.  I have demons I deal with now that I didn't have before.  I worry I won't be enough again when the next guy comes along.  I worry that there will always be another woman who will be better than I am.  I worry I'll never let myself love again or trust again.  But they are my own demons.  I have thought a lot lately about where I was a year ago.  How I felt and what my life was like.  I was so in love.   I was in Texas with another broken ankle.  Jeremy was again helping me with everything.   I was trying my best to encourage him to make his own way and keep up with trying to live out his dream.  I was happy and I was in love.   Now it all seems silly and maybe a waste.  I learned so much about myself and love and life but I also learned the dark parts of life.  Like anger, pain, hurt, loss, heartache, and I felt not good enough for anyone.  Life has a way of teaching you tough things without remorse.  But I also learned this year that God loves me, I have great friends that love me and that I can be happy again.  I don't know if I will ever find love again.  I don't know if I will trust again.  But I hope I will on both accounts.  I have a lot of healing to still do.  I'm doing it on my own time and in my own way and that is perfectly alright.   But just in case .... Jeremy I do miss you.  I do think about you.  I do hope you are happy.  I am happy.  And I'm also glad we don't talk and we didn't stay friends because if we had I don't think I could have ever moved on.  I don't hate you.  I forgive you.  Someday I hope that I see you and I will remember the good and not the bad.   I don't know if you even read this anymore but thank you for the life you gave me.  I'm sorry I wasn't what you needed but I hope someday I will be what someoneneeds else needs.  Be happy.