Monday, November 29, 2010

Ahhhhh So Much To Tell

Jeremy and I have been all over the country, literally!!  Here's our list Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New York, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virgina, North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, and Utah again!!!!  Okay so its has been a very great and long adventure and we're not really done yet.  I loved Pennsylvania, Maine, and North Carolina.  They were beautiful and I've met some strange people along the way.  I fell outta the truck onto my back and head in Ohio and had a concussion which took me a couple days to get over but I'm fine now.  Saw some nasty snow, and sleet, and freezing rain in Maine and really nasty accidents.  Met some pretty awesome truckers who made me laugh.  I saw my friend Hope in Virginia who is recently married and about to have her first baby, a boy, in December.  It was great to see her and catch up with her again.  She so great.  I also saw my grandma Erma Jean in Southern Cali while we were there and her husband Gary.  They took us to lunch.  I love catching up with them and seeing them.  Then we stayed a weekend with Jeremy's mom and his daughter Katelynn.  She is so cute and we had so much fun with her.  We played lots of video games including Guitar Hero, where I sang, and sucked and they filmed it.  Grrrrr.  Anyway we loved seeing her and spending time with her she is such an amazing girl.  Then we came home for Thanksgiving.  We spent it with my family and took 5 days off.  It has been wonderful and we are getting ready to get back to work.  I love spending time with my family and friends.  Seeing my mom and dad, and my sisters.  I loved seeing some friends and spending lots of time with Jeremy.  I know it seems funny but when we're on the road we don't actually spend quality time just a lot of quantity time. 
     Right now I'm dealing with a dilemma.  I have a possible opportunity for me and taking my career to the next level.  Making some real money and being a real boss.  But at the same time, we are trying really hard to bring Jeremy's dream of being his own boss and having his own small business to life.  I have been helping him with that and pushing him to succeed and I really want it for him.  But if I take advantage of this opportunity it could put his dreams on hold again.  I don't think that's fair, and I want it for him but he wants me to be happy.  I am so frustrated and torn and I really don't know what to do.  I have a bit to think about it and make a real decision but not all that long.  What should I do???

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

It's Been A Busy Week

I met Jeremy in Ogden on Wednesday night and we've been running since then.  His load needed to be dropped off in Brigham City Thursday morning and then we hung around Ogden until Friday night when we got a load in Myton, Utah.  We headed to Myton which is over by Duchesne.  We woke up early Saturday morning to load up with hay.  It was seriously cold and took a long time to load up.  Then Jer taught me how to tie down the load.  After about 3 hours of loading and tying down the hay we headed out for Oklahoma City.  We drove through a very pretty canyon just before Price, Utah.  Then we drove down through arches and it was really neat seeing all the red rocks everywhere.  Didn't really see arches but then again we were on the highway.  Then we headed through Colorado but only for about 80 miles.  New Mexico was next and we drove about the whole length of NM, we went through Albuquerque and it felt very different from small town Utah.  It took forever to get to Texas but we finally got there!  Texas was always one those states I wanted to see but never had.  I didn't see all that much yet but it was interesting.  The people were very friendly and a little odd.  HaHa  It got dark and I got tired and went to bed but Jeremy went over the border to Oklahoma.  In the morning I was in a brand new state that I had never been to.  Oklahoma has been fun.  Its so weird to be in a state where I can see forever.  No mountains and barely any hills.  The roads are awful we bounce constantly in the truck.  It makes for interesting conversation.  lol  We unloaded in Purcell, Oklahoma which is just south of Oklahoma City.  The ranch we unloaded at was absolutely huge with such detail and precise, neat property.  It looked like something out of a movie.  While waiting for the owner of this ranch Jeremy, Brynn, and I played frisbee.  Brynn finally got bored and did her own thing.  She's still kinda small for a frisbee she more or less just stumbles over it again and again.  But it was super cute.  Jeremy is not so good at frisbee either.  I would throw it to him and he'd catch it and then he'd throw it a mile from where I was standing  and I'd have to play fetch.  That game gets old!  :P  Then we headed for KMK's office in El Reno, OK which is just outside of Oklahoma City.  I met the boss Darrin who is .... different.  Not sure about him yet.  I also met the secretary Diane who is kinda funny and can be a little intimidating.  Definitely a self proclaimed bitch.  We loaded up one piece of pipe and drove it to Stillwater, Oklahoma about 85 miles from KMK.  Kinda strange load but KMK was trying to make nice with an old client.  Whatever miles is miles.  Now we are waiting for a load outta here and I'm hoping to go somewhere new.

We have seen some interesting things.  Texas was definitely interesting in and of itself.  I know I'll see more of Texas and I'm sure I'm in for some more surprises from them.  Oklahoma has been fun.  Seen some cool sights, some awesome art and sunsets.  We saw a car on fire on the freeway yesterday.  Met a guy at a truck stop who was nice enough to talk to us, however I couldn't understand a word he said.  For those of you who have seen Jeff Dunham, remember Bubba Jay ok he talked just like him only you couldn't understand a word!  He seemed like a nice enough guy though.  At Subway I met some interesting Texans.  They were very outspoken and hilarious.  They made me laugh, the guys there kept calling me pet names and joking with me.

The days are starting to run together and I actually had no idea what day of the week it was today, I couldn't even tell ya if it was the end or the beginning of week.  It was unnerving a bit.  Long hours of driving and some beautiful country that we are driving through.  All the time we are trying to potty train Brynn.  It is actually going pretty well, since I got on the truck last Thursday we have had a total of 3 accidents.  She is also getting  kennel trained as well.  When we are outside she stays pretty close too.  We haven't had to put a leash on her yet although she is getting a little more adventurous and wanders just a bit.  Brynn is a little bit of a terror and likes to chew on everything and Jeremy and I are trying our best to get ahead of her by taking away things she likes to chew on and giving her lots of chew toys(she is quite spoiled).  She has chewed through one of Jeremy's phone chargers, one of my flip flops, my lotion bottle, and countless napkins.  And even though she barks like one, Brynn is no bad ass but is kinda a sweetie.  She likes to bark and play but she can get a little mean.  She is a totally food whore, she will find it anywhere and eat it.  Outside she will find the grossest piece of leftover food on the ground and try to eat it.  I have pulled out trash, old chocolate cake, a half of a fork, a piece of already chewed gum and countless other disgusting things out of her mouth.  She is a pain in the ass, but she is so friggin' cute.  Well we gotta run and go get fuel and lunch, I'll let ya know when we are heading somewhere new.