Monday, February 7, 2011

Rough Roads

Have you ever felt like you are drowning but can see the surface.  That is exactly how I feel, and have felt for the last 2 months or so.  I get so frustrated about money when it just doesn't come enough, and frequently.  I feel like I can see the end but its just far enough away that it makes me crazy.  I can see us getting out of debt here shortly but for now I am just getting frustrated.  But I have a plan, and a plan is good way to start digging yourself out of debt.  It's a good plan that will work, but it is going to take a minute to get started.  I have a job, Jeremy is looking for a job, and the truck is moving and making money!

We are also trying to move out of Grandma's house and find a place of our own but that is seriously a hard thing right now.  We do not want to move into an apartment if we don't have to, but we wouldn't mind a townhouse or a small house for rent for the next couple years.  But looking for somewhere to live is a pain in the ass.  We have a dog and we will not give her up for anything.  So that means who ever we rent from has to allow pets and then the deposit is way more too, but Bryndle is totally worth it.  

Anyway that is my bit of venting for today.  Now I have to go get ready for work!!  Ciao

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