Monday, April 8, 2013

Wow over a year?! Worst blogger ever!

OK.  So, about a week ago a friend reminded me that I used to blog.  Then I reminded myself that I actually used to love it.   And I haven't blogged in about 16 months.  Seriously??  There has been so much that has happened in the last while.  I'm gonna try and catch up on the highlights at the very least. 

May 2012
Last spring I decided that I needed to "reinvent" myself and find my independence again.  I wanted to do something on my own to prove to myself, I guess, that I didn't need someone else to have adventures in my life.  I decided I wanted to go to Seattle, Washington.  I planned my trip down to every  last detail.  I had plans to explore every inch of Seattle.  But when I finally arrived it went straight to Hell.  Most of it had to do with the fact that my car rental did not go as planned and had to find a different rental.  I only had enough money with me to rent a car for 2 days and I was there for 5 days.  I also had booked a room outside of the city to save money.  So, I had to cram everything into 2 days.  I went to the aquarium, Pike's Market, the Space Needle, and the zoo and wandered around Seattle.  I loved every second of it.  I loved the atmosphere and the people.  But the last 2 days I didn't do much.  Finally the last day I needed out of my room.  I walked 4 miles to a state park and spent the day hiking through the thick forest and walking on the beach of the Puget Sound and spending the day in the rare sunshine of Seattle.  The worst part was that I missed seeing my friend Hope.  I was really sad that it didn't work out to see her and her beautiful family.  Maybe next time.  But my vacation turned out to be an amazing experience and really made me feel like me again.

June 2012
My best friends Sheena and Kevin had a beautiful baby girl, River.  She is so beautiful and looks just like her dad.  She is nearly a year old now and I don't get to see her as often as I would like to but it has been amazing to see her grow up.  I love when I get to see her and see how much she has grown up.  She is so smart and a joy to spend time with.  She is also strong willed and only has things her way.  I love that Sheena and Kevin have allowed me to spend so much time with her.  

I got a new job.  Now I'm working at the Beehive Grill as the weekend part time office assistant.  I love this job.  It has been a little challenging.  I'm a social person and am stuck in an office but I do love the busy work and don't miss the customers and all the complaining.  I'm still working at the Pizza Hut as a shift manager but hopefully not for much longer.  

July 2012
July was hellish.  The second weekend in July every year we have a soccer tournament called the Cache Valley Cup. This year we brought in 187 teams and over 10,000 people from out of the valley.  My family has been involved with it 7 out of the last 9 years and it takes over our lives.  This last year I got roped into more than the average volunteering and it took over my life for about 4 weeks.  It was so much to handle.  I helped with our Friday night dinner, our book, all the shopping, check in, and all the other volunteering during the week. 

I also took my annual trip up to the cabin and this year I brought up some girls from my relief society.  Shannon Moore, Heather Condie, and Chelsea Funk.  We had so much fun and definitely had a unique adventure.  We had a close encounter with a moose on the river and in the same day had a close encounter with a bison, in fact two of them.  We played UNO while watching wolves, on a plateau in Hayden Valley with about 100 other people intently waiting for the wolves to make their grand appearance.  We hiked a bunch, met new people, giggled a ton, and enjoyed ourselves very much and was a much needed break for me after Cache Valley Cup.

Life has quieted down a bunch and life consists of busy weekends.  I work both jobs during Friday and Saturday and Sunday just at Beehive, and the rest of the week is usually a lot less busy.  I didn't do much at all this fall.  My life seems pretty boring looking back.

Please let the cold end!!  This winter seemed especially cold and miserable.  However, I'm not a big fan of the cold and snow and horribleness of this season.  (and the hot of summer doesn't do much for me either)  Anyway, I reconnected with my friend Trisha and we have been hanging out and doing stuff.  Which has been a nice change for me.  I haven't been doing a lot of anything besides work for a long time now.  She is great and I just love her to pieces.  I also found out this winter that my wonderful friend Callista Madsen (Christopherson) is pregnant and due in June.  Her and her wonderful hubby will be having a boy this coming summer and I'm so happy for them.  It was very unexpected by the parents-to-be but they are happy about their upcoming family developments.  Also, my great friend Jesse Pitcher got married this winter.  He married an amazing girl named Heidi and they are just so cute.  I am unbelievably happy for him.  He deserves such great happiness and has really found it in Heidi.  Congrats again!

In January my sweet Brynndle died.  I miss her terribly every day and think of her all the time.  Brynndle was very sweet and loving but last summer she was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder that made her aggressive when she was scared.  I took her into the vet and they evaluated her and put her on some drugs to keep her level.  I also started some intensive training to help her recognize when she was scared and what she should do.  But things happen that trigger her to lash out.  When she did lash out she would get super sad and would pout for days after.  On Christmas this last year she had an episode and went after the cats in the house twice in one day.  She didn't kill them but she did hurt them.  She didn't even seem like Brynn when it happened.  After, she was sad for days and wasn't really herself.  We think something triggered her and we are not really sure what did.  But I went to her vet and we talked about the episode.  He told me she was now exhibiting multiple types of aggression and they were not all controlled by drugs.  We discussed our options and I went home to think.  After a few days I decided that the best thing would to be to put her down.... It was really hard on my family and they reached out for other options but this was safest.  Besides Brynndle didn't like when she would lash out either and she would get so sad.  I spent a week with her and we did things she loved.  Then I took her in.  It was the hardest day of my life.  I let my poor baby go and live with her Heavenly Father.  I miss her greatly.

Spring has Sprung
 OMG thank goodness!!  I hated the cold.  The warm and rain has been a wonderful change to the winter awfulness.  This spring has seemed to jump up out of nowhere and is speeding by (awww stop going so fast).  Although I haven't had a lot of free time lately to enjoy it, I have had a few hours of reading in the sunshine so far and look forward to so much more.  

Well, this week my mother and I are off to VEGAS!!  We are having a girl's weekend with my Auntie Fonda!  We have so much planned.  We are going to see Cirque de Solei Mystere, Bodies, Secret Gardens and Dolphin Habitat, Shark Reef, Bellagio Fountains, and go shopping and get pedicures and have fun and mostly relax.  It is a well deserved vacation for all of us and I can barely contain myself.  

Also, I am going full time at The Beehive Grill next month.  This makes me sooooo happy I cannot even explain.  I have been looking forward to this for about 6 months and it is nearly here.  I will be working Mon-Fri during the day and no more nights.  Yessss!  I'm am one happy girl.  

Cache Valley Cup is quickly approaching again this year.  This year I have taken upon myself a ton more with the tournament and been cracking the whip with the rest of the board hoping to get the ball rolling faster and smoother this year.  It is shaping up to be big and awesome this year.  Please come join us!  

That is all the highlights I can come up with for this last 15 months.  I am going to be better and write again soon.  I will talk about me a little more next time (haha).  Also hope to have pics from Vegas and lots to share there.  

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