Sunday, October 24, 2010

In Cache Valley and Missing Jeremy

Jeremy and I have been apart from each other for almost 2 weeks now and I miss him so much.  It has been lovely being back in Cache Valley and visiting family and friends and catching up with loved ones, but my love is a thousand miles away and I ache for him.  You really don't know how much you love someone until you can't see them everyday.  I miss being in his arms and lying with him at night listening to him breathe.  My bed has been so empty for this last while.   I never thought I would be in love like this or be with someone who treated me so well and loved me so deeply.  He is my best friend and my other half.  I look forward to his phone calls everyday and enjoy every bit of them and its so hard to say goodbye and hang up even after hours on the phone.  His loads have taken him further away than I expected and away from each other much longer than we expected.  He was supposed to be here a week after I left him and it just hasn't worked out yet.  I'm so ready to be home with him.

For some good news I went on vacation with my family to the cabin in Island Park.  It was so great to see them all and spend time with them.  We spent time in the park and with each other.  The girls are growing up so much and have their own personalities that can be chaotic and incredibly fun.  After we came back from the vacation I spent a couple days with Kevin and Sheena Munro.  Great people and great friends of mine.  We have caught up and gone back into our usual routine of Pizza Hut visits, dinners at their house late at night, and long conversations.  They have been great friends with a lot great advice and never allowing me to feel sorry for myself or make excuses for myself.  I also saw Nicole Simpson, one of my best friends from my childhood who has always made me feel comfortable with myself when others haven't.  She is so funny and we always have an incredible time together.  Even since we were in high school, some of my best memories from high school were with Nicole.  We went and had drinks and met a creepy old man.  And Grandma and Grandpa just came home for a few days and I went to dinner and caught up with them. 

All in all it has been a great little while here in Cache Valley but now I'm ready to go home and home is with Jeremy!  I'm more than ready to see him, hug him and kiss him!!

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