Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Yay! Good News!

Jeremy called me this morning to tell me he was loaded and headed for Utah!  I was so happy.  It has been almost 2 weeks and I'm so excited to see him.  Its has been way too long and being apart for this long sucks!  I don't know how girls wait for guys on military leave or those waiting for missionaries.  I couldn't do it!  This was so fucking hard!  But now he is on his way he'll be in 2 days and I'm ecstatic.  I get to meet our new puppy too.  While Jeremy was in Phoenix last week he went and got me a puppy.  We named her Brindle (Brin for short), she is 10 weeks old and is a chihuahua/fox terrier mix.  She is tiny and brindled and kinda looks like a teeny tiny pitbull.  I haven't met her yet just have received a bunch of pictures and videos that Jer has sent me in the last week.  I have already gone out and bought her a bunch of stuff to spoil her toys and treats and other things.  We were so sad to have to give away our other dog Daisy, but she was just too big for our new living quarters.  But Jeremy and I love dogs so we decided to go and get a little dog for us, and when we settle down in a house we'll get a big dog (Jeremy loves big dogs). 

For the next 2 days I'll be doing laundry, packing up our belongings, getting a few items  we need on the truck, going to see my family for a little bit and getting more and more excited as the time passes.  This is the home stretch and I'm so grateful that its almost over.  As most people know Jeremy and I are not married, although I do believe our lives do resemble a married couple.  I think sometimes people think that because we aren't married that we don't share that bond like other couples do.  That our love isn't as strong or that our lives aren't connected as strongly as those who are married.  But in fact we do love each other very much and we do share a very special bond.  We are each others best friends, and we know secrets about each other only few know.  We share things that are very personal and we miss each other very much when we are apart.  I believe marriage is the cards for us at some point but it just isn't the right time for that.  Children are also in the cards as well but we need time with each other before we have kids.  We have our whole lives to have kids.  Right now we are having an adventure, seeing new places, meeting new people, visiting our families, and sharing memories and time with each other, and that's good enough for me.

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