Monday, September 26, 2011

Some stuff in my World

My life has become a little bit complicated lately.  There was an opening in the Medical Assisting Program and I couldn't afford the beginning fees and so I got bumped down the list again.  If the financial aid ladies had gotten my FAFSA stuff done 3 months ago it would have been less of a problem but whatever.  Still taking my online class and kicking ass in it.  I have a meeting tomorrow with the Vice President of the BATC tomorrow and hopefully there will be good news later. 

Still no job and it's getting very stressful but I do have good feeling that one is coming.  I sure as hell hope so.  But when I get a job and school actually starts it's all gonna get crazy in a big hurry.  I can handle it though so bring it on!!

For those of you who don't know, cause I don't really post stuff about this but I've gone back to church.  I needed some kind of peace in my life.  I'm still me just with a little more direction and more comfort in life.  It's been a good thing for me.  I've found some strength that I didn't know that I could have in my life and I'm really enjoying it for me.  I feel like I've found a balance between who I am and who I want to be.  I did this for me, because I really felt like it was the best thing for me to be doing and I needed something more in my life for myself.  I've been really happy with my decision.  I know I have friends out there that are not a fan of this; and this is what I have to say to that.  This decision was for me and me alone.  I feel that is the best thing for me to be doing in my life.  I still love you for who you are and I promise not to try and change you.  I'm still me and haven't changed.  If you are really my friends then you'll accept this decision and love me for who I choose to be and I'll do the same for you.  

My best friend Brady Bodily is coming home in the next few weeks and I'm sooo excited.  It'll be nice to have him around again and hang with him and not have to worry that he will be hurt while in the field.  I know it'll be tough for him when he comes back but there are many who love him and care for him so it'll be great.  I told him today that normalcy will be a good thing for him for a little bit. Please everyone pray that he'll get home safely, these next few weeks I'll freak out and worry a little extra.

I also want to thank some special people in my life... Brenna Clarke and Joni Severe for being the best visiting teachers and friends I could ask for.  Trisha Hall, Alyssa Ross, Joshlyn Carmona, Jill Stapely for being friendly faces and comforting and open arms for me the last few weeks.  Your friendships to me have meant so much to me.  Thank you to the Smithfield YSA 1st ward for helping so much through the last 2 months.  It has been a comfort to call you all friends and my ward family.  And a special thanks to Andrew Weber... ;) you're amazing!!  I'm a better person for knowing all of you!!  :D

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