Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Need to do More with my Life

Been considering so many things in my life lately.  I've got a general direction that I'm heading in (education, career, job for now, get out of debt) which is fantastic, but there are so many things that I'm also considering doing.  Like I've wanted to find way to volunteer for Humanitarian Aide efforts and help others in countries that have nothing.  I want to find something new in my world.  Like maybe moving somewhere else for a year and discovering a new side to myself.  The more and more I overcome this pain (from so many different places in my life) the more I realize I want more to my life, I want to become a more rounded person, I feel like I have more depth to myself that I have yet to discover.  There has been this part of me lately which feels like I was this empty shell of a person for the last few years and I could have been developing myself better but instead I was focused on things that were keeping me an empty person.  Now, that I'm moving forward I want so much more!  More life, more spirituality, more education, just more everything.  I want to contribute so much more to this world.  I know that I have so much to offer this life and I have been held back up until now.  I want to travel, I want to help, I want others to have something eased by something that I've done, or contributed to.  I know that life has the basic sketch of birth-education-career-marriage-family-death but there is so much more to living and I'm realizing this more and more every day.  Haven't you ever felt like there was something you needed to achieve in this life that wasn't what everyone else expected from you?  That's what I want.  You just wait and see, in a year I'm going to have done something that mattered!  That mattered to someone other than myself.  I'm gonna make my time worth something.  And maybe on this path of new self-discovery I'll find a new perspective, a new goal or maybe even love.  I think I do deserve real love in my life from someone who actually means it.  Who knows maybe I'll find it when I'm least looking for it. 

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