Tuesday, September 13, 2011

September.. the beginning of something great..

So... first off, last week I knew that Rascal Flatts was coming to concert to USANA in SLC and I wanted tickets more than anything.  They are my favorite group/artist of all time and have always wanted to see them.  So, I had been trying to win tickets through the radio stations and had been calling multiple times every hour for a week.  Then, Thursday afternoon my best friend Brady who is serving overseas called me and told me he had bought me two tickets to go.  I thought he was kidding and when he said he wasn't I started screaming and dancing and jumping up and down.  I was more excited than I've ever been ever.  I called my other bestie Ashley and told her she was coming with me and needed to get work off.  The next night we were at USANA watching Justin Moore (which Ash did NOT prefer, she called him Justin Nomoore lol), Sara Evans (amazing!!) and Rascal Flatts (sooooo awesome can barely contain myself days later).  It was a crazy night of singing, screaming, dancing, and laughing.  We had great seats and though the weather taunted us the first hour even raining a bit before the first act started, it all cleared up and we had an incredible time.  We met some seriously crazy but fun people and had a creeper standing behind for the majority of the time.  But all in all it couldn't have been better.  Thank you Brady for the tickets and Ashley for the memories.  

Next, I found out this morning that I could possibly get into my program starting Oct 3 and if I work hard and quick I could be done by June and working as a Medical Assistant next summer.  I'm thrilled.  I hope all my interviews and financial aid and paperwork all go alright.  I'll know more on Thursday but seriously I'm so excited to get started and start learning.  

Then, I met this guy a few weeks ago, he lives in Washington and his name is Andrew.  He is really great.  He's so nice and funny and he makes me laugh.  I have been txting him almost nonstop for like 2 weeks. He has this way of making me light up and I haven't done that in forever.  Now, it's long distance and I don't know how it is going to work out or even if it will yet, but I know that I haven't been this happy and giddy in a long time; so it's a worth a shot.  I'm just glad that I have someone who thinks good things of me and who is (even from another state) pushing me to strive harder and be better.  

I thought for a while that things were never gonna look up and that I would stay in this never never land of misery, but I'm good.  I'm better than I was.  I've got goals and people who care if I have goals and if I achieve those goals.  That's nice to know.  I've got a bright future ahead of me and people who care and love me.  What more could I ask for??

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