Wednesday, November 9, 2011

25 Things I'm Thankful For

I decided that I would do the unoriginal list of things I'm grateful for... I'm thankful for a lot of things this year.  They are no particular order but here they all are.

I'm thankful for....
1. my family who have been patient with me the last few months while I get my life back in some kind of order.
2. my truck.  I don't like it much, but I am thankful that I have some kind of mode of transportation and well, it's kinda growing on me.
3. my job.  I have not always liked working for Pizza Hut but I am thankful that I have a source of income again.  
4. the gospel.  It has been a process going back but I've never felt more comfortable in my life and in my own skin than I do right now in my life.
5. my balance.  I've really found my kind of balance.  I've found myself and found a good balance between all the things in my life; my friends, my family, my opinions, my beliefs all of it!!
6. Katie.  I'm so grateful for her, she's been one of my best friends and we really seem to help each other the last few months.
7.  Sierra.  For her attitude, she seems to always have a better way of looking at things whether it's a better attitude or a worse one I love it.
8. Rayna.  My relationship with Rayna has been rocky but I love her and I'm so grateful to have her in my life.
9. my mom and dad.  They have always been an example with their marriage in what we should hold out for and strive to have when our day comes.
10. my old friends.  For being supportive of me and my decisions in my life and the support I got this summer from them.  Even those who live far away! ;)
11. my new friends.  With going back to church I have made some great new friends who have given me the conviction to keep going back and who continually give me the extra push when I need it.  A special thanks to Brenna Clarke, Joni Severe, Jill Stapley, Joshlyn Carmona, Shannon and Shanda, Trisha Hall, Alyssa Ross, and Joe Willes.  You guys have made my life easier and sweeter in the last few months and I owe you guys so much.
12. my Brynndle.  She is the sweetest dog and knows when I need her the most.  I'm so grateful to have a welcome home like one she gives me every time I walk through the door.
13. Jeremy.  It sounds strange but without him I wouldn't have found parts of who I am and grown as a woman.
14. to not be with Jeremy anymore.  I am grateful that I have been able to move forward with my life and start to achieve goals that I wanted to achieve and find myself. 
15. patience.  I don't have a lot but I have some and it has really been good for me.  I've needed it a lot lately.
16.  the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  I feel like without it I would still be in the dark that I lived in for a long time.  I'm healing and I'm moving forward and I've never been more happy in my life and with myself and the decisions that I'm making.
17. Bishop Oldroyd.  He's been such an example to me.  He's been so great with me and supportive and understanding.  He's also been a rock in the last few weeks with the passing of his wife and I hope to have the faith that he has.
18. music.  Music truly heals the heart and guides the mind.  It has been the one thing I've reached for every time I've needed that extra push.
19. Brady.  Oh Brady, what would I do without you.  A best friend really knows what you need when you need it and understands better than almost anyone.  Thank you! :)
20. prayer.  My prayers have been fervent and honest and sincere.  They have been a saving grace and a needed comfort in my life.
21. living in Cache Valley.  Some days I feel trapped in this small town but there are a million and one great things and perks about living in a place where you truly love your neighbors and trust those around you.
22. my institute class and Brother Larsen.  I just can't say enough.  I love digging into our talks every week and think about them daily.  And Brother Larsen is amazing!!  I don't know how that man teaches the way he does and it feels like he's talking one on one with you while teaching an entire class.  
23. my hair, my feet and my eyes.  They are my favorite features and I love them.  It sounds weird but we should all me thankful for the assets we've been given rather than hating those we don't like. 
24. being a sister and a friend.   It's something I love to be and to do.  I love being there for the people around me and helping them with the things in their lives.  I love feeling like people can trust me and rely on me.  
25. myself.  I like who I am.  I like who I am becoming.  I like most things about myself.  I don't feel like there are things I should hate about myself.  I think I'm a good person.  I'm an honest person now.  I'm a strong person.  I'm worth it even though its hard to remember from time to time.  

There is my list.  You may not agree with some things but it's not for you it's for me. 

Happy Thanksgiving!!

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