Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Meet My Brynndle

I have an amazing and beautiful dog named Brynndle.  She is a year and 3 months old and I've had her for a year.  She was a gift to me from my ex and it was the best thing that he ever gave me.  She is a little slow and she might not be all there mentally but she is so great and makes my day every day.  She is goofy and loves to play.  Her favorite game is tug-of-war and she'll play catch with her pink ball.  She loves ripping the fluff out of toys so I've learned to buy toys without fluff and only with squeakers in it!  She isn't the most obedient dog ever but she will sit most of the time you tell her to and she goes to bed every time you tell her to.  She is so cute when she goes to bed.  She'll crawl into her doggie bed at night and long before I go to bed.  Then when I finally go to bed she waits til I fall asleep and then crawls in bed with me.  If it is cold in the room she'll crawl into the covers and if it's not then she'll sleep on top but always curled up next to my tummy.  In the morning she will either cry to let her out or she will jump on me, lick my face and my hands, and if that doesn't wake me up to play with her she has learned how to dig the covers off of me and that will do the trick.  Her best friend is mom's cat that is mentally retarded named Frosty and they play with each other every day.  She can be the biggest pest and the sweetest girl all at the same time.  I have all sorts of nicknames for her that she answers to "sweetness", "baby girl", "pretty girl" and I love her so much.  When I am sad she will cuddle with me and when I cry she cocks her head to one side like she doesn't understand then she curls up next to me with her head on me.  When we get home she gets super excited and jumps on everyone.  She loves my dad but she's afraid of him at the same time.  She gets excited when he comes home and wags her tail and wants him to pet her but when he gets close she jumps back.  It's so cute to watch.  She is afraid of everything.  She is afraid of blankets (except hers which she is very protective of), loud noises, things that don't belong in a room, hats, dolls, costumes, and new people.  She barks every time someone comes to the door.  It's definitely annoying but no one will ever break into this house.  She needs to meet people a few times before she decides if she likes them and with men it's kind of hit and miss if she will like you or not.  She loves french fries, potato chips, apples and popcorn.  And she does NOT like grapes and bananas.   She loves watching other dogs on TV.  When two people are wrestling in the house she will pick a side and attack the other person and really gets into it and playing with them.  I love it, it is the cutest thing.  She is my baby and I love her with all my heart!!!  

                                                          Brynn driving the truck
                                                           Brynn as a puppy sleeping
                                                     Taking a nap with Terri
                                                        Looking for Moose in Maine                                                 
                                                           My baby girl on my lap
                                                  Brynn as a puppy in her coat

Smiling for the camera

Playing outside

Looking for her ball

                                                        All grown up Brynndle

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