Friday, August 12, 2011

Good Friends Make Better Days

It's good when you have good friends that just help you feel better.  Out of all my friends right now Ashley and Brady are the ones that have helped me through this.   Whenever I talk to one of them I always feel better.  Ashley and I talked tonight about a bunch of things.  She always has some insight and makes me feel better.  Like moving on is my only option because it's the only thing that I deserve.  Like all the bad will be quadrupled by the good that will come.  Brady always makes me laugh when it just feels like I want to cry.  He doesn't push the issues that are hard to talk about and changes the subject when he knows that I can't and don't want to talk about it.  Even though I don't have friends I see everyday and get to "hang out" with all the time.  I have quality friends.  Friends who are concerned about me and want the best for me.  Tonight the conversation with Ashley really pulled me out of this funk I have been in the last week or two.  It's really nice to hear from people who are not your family that you're worth more and that you deserve more.  I do.  I don't know that I'm always a quality friend to them, but it makes me want to be a better friend to them.  I want to bring clarity to them like they have brought to me.  I want to help them through the hard times.  I want to be that person that are to me.  Ashley and Brady I want you to know how much you mean to me.  I want you to know that your friendship is so important to me and has helped more than any other person.  You two are amazing people and are my best friends.  But more than that you are my heroes.  Without you two I may not be who I am nor where I am today.  I love you both.  

I can do better.  I can be better.  I deserve better.  I will find better.  I will be happy someday.

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