Friday, August 19, 2011

Yay for me!!

I took my final today in my drug dosages class.  It was 105 points and I could miss 57 and still get a B in the class.  But I only missed 3 and got 97%.  Which gave me 96 % in the class.  The class was only worth 414 points and got 359 points out of the whole class.   I was soooo excited.  I did a little dance in the hallway after I left.  Now all I got to do is get my med term class done and all my prereqs will be finished and all there is left to do is wait for an opening in the Medical Assisting program.  I'm determined to do amazing.  I finished this class in 7 class days.  Which is 2nd best, next to someone who finished in 6 days.  But still I'm so happy and ready to surpass everyone else.  Sounds so conceded but I just don't care.  I'm on a total high. 

Anyway, life is good.  I've got things in order, I'm doing good.  I've met a couple guys but no so sure I'm ready for the whole relationship scene again.  I'm 0 for 3 in the last 3 1/2 years and that just keeps screaming in the back of my head.  But I will take as it comes.  I haven't thought much of him lately.  Maybe cause I've been busy or maybe because I'm starting not to care.  I don't which but I do know I'm less angry lately.  And anger has been the biggest and overwhelming emotion in my life lately.  Not the last few days and sure as hell not today!!

Leaving on a good note.... :)

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