Thursday, August 25, 2011

Isn't Life Funny.

I have been so happy and have laughed so much in the last few days.  And the next few days are going to be great... In fact I'm going to make sure that my life is going to be great.  I have so much weight and worry on my shoulders but it just doesn't feel like it matters anymore.  How funny right?!  My world seems to be getting better and better all the time.  I realized that I don't need a man to make me happy and that settling for what in the here and now and not waiting for the right guy, is just plain stupid.  I deserve someone wonderful who loves me for me and for what I want and wants it as well.  However, I am not dating for at least a year.  I just can't do it.  I have amazing people in my life from my friends to my family.   I have so much that I'm gonna do with my life still.  I'm gonna travel, make friends, be fool and have fun.  I'm gonna get my MA license, and I'm gonna work in a clinic and maybe even move out of Cache Valley.  I don't think I would mind that so much.  Maybe I'll work in Hawaii for a while or in New York.  Who knows?  Jeff Eddington told me something a few months ago and I knew he was right, but I was in love and couldn't see past that.  But he told me I should live in the here and now.  I had too much life to live to be wasting it.  I needed to live on my own, go travel, make random friends, move away for awhile.  I think he was right, I need to do all of that.  I'm 22 not 35!!! I have too much life to still live to be married and popping out kids.  I want that, but I have a while before I have to do that.  I'm gonna live... I'm gonna have fun... I'm gonna screw up, and goof off and live!!

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