Wednesday, July 27, 2011

50 Things I Want for My Life

50.  I want to volunteer for something.

49.  I want make a quilt for all my future children.

48.  I want change a tire on my own.

47.  I want to get a tattoo.

46.  I want to go diving and/or snorkeling on a reef with beautiful fish and sharks.

45.  I want to spend a day in the park with my future family; playing, eating, and laughing.

44.  I want to go to a concert and dress up ridiculously and scream, and jump and dance and have more fun then ever.

43.  I want to lose weight and be healthy.

42.  I want to make a million scrapbooks of my life and take photographs of everything in my world. 

41.  I want to ride horses in the ocean surf.

40.  I want to go to on a sailing trip on the ocean.

39.  I want to laugh so hard that I almost pee my pants and can't stand up.

38.  I want to drive a convertible with the top down and play music as loud as I can.

37.  I want an entire day to feel like lyrics to a country song.

36.  I want to discover something new and wonderful.

35.  I want to dance with someone spontaneously somewhere and sometime absolutely unexpectedly.

34.  I want to get my own apartment and live independently on my own.

33.  I want to try skiing or snowboarding.

32.  I want to have a Valentine's Day surprise like never before.  With flower petals all over the place, dozens of roses and calla lilies, chocolates, and music and dancing in the living room.

31.  I want to have the patience someday to have a flower garden and take care of it.

30.  I want to go on a safari and see lions, hippos, hyenas, water buffalo, giraffes and zebras.

29.  I want to learn how to play the guitar or the piano

28.  I want to go on a date and feel like a teenager again.  I want to go to an arcade, or go to a make out spot.  lol

27.  I want to swim with dolphins.

26.  I want to jump down through a waterfall and play in the pool underneath the waterfall.

25.  I want to drive through mud puddles and get stuck.  

24.  I want to make a million mistakes.

23.  I want to have Lasik someday.

22.  I want to go surfing someday, or at least try to surf.

21.  I want to be goofy, and be goofy with the people I love.   I don't want take life too seriously all the time.

20.  I want to travel to and/or Rome, Bali, South Africa, New Zealand, Fiji, Carribean, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Alaska, Hong Kong, Greece, Washington DC.  lol

19.  I want to get my credit score up to around 750 or more and keep it there.

18.  I want to go parasailing, and/or hot air ballooning.

17.  I want to go to karaoke once.

16.  I want to end up working in a hospital.

15.  I want to have a picnic on the top of a mountain, with someone I love and watch the sunset.

14.  I want to make out in the pouring rain.

13.  I want to finish Medical Assisting school with flying colors.

12.  I want to spend the entire night lying on a blanket with the person Iove and watch the stars.

11.  I want to go backcountry hiking to Fairyland Basin just once.

10.  I want to buy my own car and do it all on my own.

9.  I want to fall madly in love with someone worth falling in love with.

8.  I want to go ring shopping all day long and not get a single one.

7.  I want to cry on the night that the man I love tells me how much he loves me and I how he can't live without me and proposes to me.

6.  I want to get out of debt and stay out of debt.

5.  I want savings in the bank for a rainy day.

4.  I want to buy a house with a big kitchen and pool table.

3.  I want to get married and dance with my husband.

2.  I want to have a family.  A house full of kids.

1.  I want to be happy.

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