Saturday, July 30, 2011


I have so put all the drama and hurt and pain behind me.  I never thought that I could move on so quickly but I had realized that my heart just wasn't in it anymore.  I still love him and I still miss him but I'm never gonna have a future with him.  But how much is out there for me in the future?  What could I miss today or tomorrow if I remain focused on something that's in the past?  I have so much to offer the world and so much to accomplish in life still.   I can't stay stuck in the past and in a relationship that would never have moved forward or in a direction that I want.   I want so much out of life.  I want to do so much with my life.  I am so looking forward to what could lie ahead in my life.  I'm scared everyday that I'll be alone and that no one will ever see the real me.  But if I stay scared forever and never let myself open up I can never expect the same from someone else.  But I know that if I try, and stay positive I will find something wonderful for my life.  I went to a friend's wedding yesterday.  My friend Ashley got married to a guy I hadn't met till the wedding.  I watched the love that they shared.  It was beautiful.  Their vows were sincere and sweet, and more loving than anything anyone has ever shared with me.  And I watched him with her during the reception.  With all the "catching up" their were doing, he'd find time to walk up to her and kiss her, her cheek, stroke her hair, tell her he loves her.  It was real, it was sincere, it was love.  I'm gonna wait for the real love, for something like that.  It was beautiful, and that is something I would love to have someday.  I am gonna stay positive and look forward and stop wasting my life and my time thinking about what ifs, and trying to figure where it went wrong; because it doesn't matter anymore.  I know the future holds great and wonderful things for Cassie Baker.

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