Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Dear Jeremy

Dear Jeremy,

I loved you honestly and openly.  I put all my effort into a real relationship.  I made every effort to keep a real relationship alive.  I loved you through your faults and accepted them as a part of who you were.  I followed you across the country chasing your dream.  I believed in you and pushed you when you were down.  I held you when you cried and gave up on yourself.  I told you, you were good enough when you decided you weren't.  I kept you close to my heart so that you could feel my love.  I told you I loved you everyday.  I kissed you on good and bad days.  I held your hand when times got rough and bumpy.  I fought with you, and argued with you, and made love with you.  I gave my heart to you.  I gave you the best of who I was and I am not ashamed that I did.  I accepted your family and your beautiful daughter and loved them with the same heart.  I moved forward with our relationship when the road looked dark and scary.  I laughed with you and cried with you.  I was comfortable with you and felt safe with you.  I sacrificed with you and for you.  I went all in.  I played all my cards.  I now I walk away.  But I don't have regrets, I don't look back and wish I hadn't.  I put all my effort, heart, love and life into our relationship; into you.  I gave it my all.  The night I drove home from your house and saw the Smith's sign in Roy and chose to give it a real try, well, I did that.  I don't have to be ashamed.  I don't have to feel like I didn't do enough.  I don't have to feel like I wasn't good enough.  I was good enough and I did do enough.  I'm leaving with my head held high.  I don't hate you, I don't feel like it was all a waste of my time, I don't have to be angry anymore.  Can you say the same?  Do you feel the same?  Did you give it your all?  Did you do your best?  Did you give me your best and your all?  I will always love you, and you will always be a part of me.  But I am done feeling sorry for myself.  I'm done being angry and sad, and crying over what could have been.  I did everything I could have that was in my power, and I feel good about that.  I hope that you have a good life.  I hope you find a relationship you can stick with.  I hope that you are safe and that someday you will find real happiness cause I have intention of finding that for myself.  I'm going forward with my life and finding what I deserve and hope you do the same.  

Cassie Baker

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